

Log Luffy VERSUS the rest!!

   Monkey D. Luffy: Voyage Dream Pirate King

Monkey D. Luffy: Voyage Dream Pirate King

Classification: STR Fighter

Health: 3,440
Attack: 1,430
Recovery: 351

Captain Effect: After a GOOD -> GREAT -> PERFECT, all other units gain 4x ATK

Special Move: Deal "Large" Random Non-Attribute Damage to all units. Change this unit's orb to [STR]

Enter the newest 6-Star in the Game!! And... He's a fighter!!! No surprise there.

Stats Thoughts

  Monkey D. Luffy now holds the highest ATK stat amongst the collection of 6-Stars.

And like all 6-Stars, Monkey D. Luffy has a nice mix of stats with well over 3,000 health and the monstrous 1,430 ATK (still losing to Arlong). There are definitely no complaints as expected.

Captain Skill Thoughts

Unbelievably similar to Monkey D. Luffy: Gear 3. In fact... even the damage is extremely similar. There are many versions of the "damage tables" and comparisons running around the place. But here's one that we've been working on.

This damage table does not represent every team nor is it a practical demonstration of which team deals more damage. It is simply directly comparing Captain Skill without regard to crew-members.

In most practical cases, "Log Luffy" will have the upper-hand strictly due to the fact that the later 3 attacks will overpower the initial 3 attacks. But as you can see, there isn't a significant difference in the Captain Skill's total damage.

Since the damage will generally be similar to Gear 3, the damage output of the team is significant enough to dent/kill everything that Gear 3 can (which is a lot of things).

So it comes down to the requirements, which depends on the individual taste of the player. If a player finds hitting 3x PERFECTs too stressful, they could switch to Log Luffy. If they find it difficult to consistently hit GOODs/GREATs, then maybe they should stick with Gear 3. In either case, messing up a combo will ruin your team's damage and will be extremely punishing to your damage.

However! There is one more thing you need to consider about Log Luffy. The thing so precious that makes Gear 3 Players drool... The ability to use [Meat] Orbs. Since you are hitting GOODs and GREATs, you can actually consume [Meat] orbs to heal pre-emptive damage. Which essentially alone could put Log Luffy over the top.

So essentially - Log Luffy is extremely similar to Gear 3 Luffy. If we are just considering the Captain Skill's damage output, nobody would argue with whichever you choose to go with.

Special Thoughts

The Special is where Log Luffy really stands out from Gear 3. Log Luffy's special does "Large" random non-attribute damage to all enemies as well as changing his own orb to [STR] on a 23-turn cooldown.

The "Large" random damage has been capable of dealing anywhere from 70,000 to 200,000 damage (approximately) from units like Sengoku. This is significantly better than Gear 3's Special and is enough to chunk a portion of most Raid Boss' health.

Similar to how Sengoku had another effect tagged with his damage, Luffy can change his orb to [STR]. This is fairly significant on Luffy compared to other units with similar Specials (like Kid or Jimbei). This is because Luffy deals most damage on the last hit, so having a guaranteed orb is important to ensure maximum damage output.

Putting the two parts of his special together, we can see that Luffy has an incredibly powerful special that really sets him apart from Gear 3. It comes at a decently short cooldown of 23 turns (which will grow shorter when his skill books are released to possibly 20 cooldown).


Log Luffy is considered by many as an upgrade of the famous Gear 3. It's time to retire our old friend and bring in a fresh face. This Luffy is worthy of his 6-Star spot and will end up battling Rayleigh for the top "Combo-based" team lead.

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

How to run multi OPTC accounts on same device

There are 2 methods to get this to work.

Method1: Using "Lucky Patcher". 
A. Usage:
  1. Download & Install "Lucky Patcher" from this link.
  2. After installation complete, open the app, a list of your installed applications will be displayed.
  3. Click & hold on One Piece Treasure Cruise > Choose "Clone".
  4. After cloning complete, click Install, run the second OPTC version, and you're ready!

B. Pros & Cons of this method:
Faster to setup, but it's a pain when dealing with OPTC version updates. so when Bandai release a new version, you have to issue a password for all of your accounts, uninstall the cloned versions, update the main one, and then clone it again. after completing the clone process, you need to transfer your accounts back, and download the whole data again!

Method2: Using "User accounts"
A. Pros & Cons:
It's bit harder to setup, and need some extra apk to install, but hassle-free, you just need to update the game, and your accounts still exist!

B. Usage:
1. Disclaimer
This method if done wrong, might put your device into "softloop" state, which is easy to fix, but to clear things up, I take no responsibility if anything wrong happened with your device. although that this method has been tested on 4 Android devices:
  • Samsung Galaxy S4
  • Samsung Galaxy S5
  • Samsung Galaxy J7
  • Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3

2. Requirements
  • Rooted Android device.
  • Xposed framework.
  • Xposed Multi user Module.
Download links are at the end of post

3. Before you begin
This hidden-gem feature might be already included on your device, to check:
  1. Slide down the right side of your notification.
  2. If you see an icon for user, long click, and skip to section 5. Using the built-in feature.
  3. If not, continue with the next section.
  4. It does not work on bluestacks (unroots your bluestacks)

4. How to
  1. Install Xposed framework.
  2. Install Xposed Multi user Module.
  3. Open Xposed framework > Click on "Framework" > Click on "Install/Update". Once done, the device need to reboot.
  4. After the reboot, open Xposed framework again > click on "Modules" > click on the checkbox next to "Multi users". After doing this, you need to reboot your device manually.
  5. After the reboot, open the app "Multi users" > Click on "Manage Users" > Click "Add user or profile".
  6. Now when you click & hold the power button, you can switch between users.
  7. Switch to new user, you'll notice that the device is gonna be configured (Old setup, no apps, no accounts, nothing at all). Don't panic, this is the new user, and it'll act just like a new device.
  8. Now add your accounts, install OPTC, and enjoy playing your second account!

5. Using the built-in feature
  1. Slide down the right side of your notifications
  2. Click on the user icon
  3. Click on More Settings
  4. Click Add user
  5. Once finished, slide the right side of your notifications, Click on the user icon again, and click on the new created user.
  6. you'll notice that the device is gonna be configured (Old setup, no apps, no accounts, nothing at all). Don't panic, this is the new user, and it'll act just like a new device.
  7. Now add your accounts, install OPTC, and enjoy playing your second account!

6. Notes/Updates
  1. If you used the method in section "5. Using the built-in feature" you can add new accounts only using the main account.

7. Links

iOS users will get a similar method too. its guide is being written.. check back soon!
reade more... Résuméabuiyad

Shandia Warriors Fortnight

Fortnight Island
   Encounter!! Skypiea Warriors

 Here comes the new Fortnight Island!! And with it 4 new characters (none of them evolve) as well as 3 of notable skill books. Let's get straight into it!!

Classification: STR Shooter

Captain Skill: STR Characters gain 1.5x ATK
Special: Reduce all enemies CURRENT Health by 7%

 Say what you want - Genbou is a very "meh" unit. While we do not know his final level stats, we can assume (based on his Level 1 stats) that he will end up being pretty weak.

Classification: QCK Striker

Captain Skill: Striker Units gain 1.5x Health and Attack
Special: Deal 10x this unit's ATK to a single enemy, all QCK Units gain 1.5x ATK for 1 turn. 

This unit is probably the one to watch out for. With Mantis, Speed now has the potential of doing a burst team with Kaku and Thatch. While he's by no means perfect (A.K.A not on the same level as Impact Dial: Usopp/Nico Robin) - He is something that Speed teams will appreciate.

Classification: INT Shooter

Captain Skill: All Shooter units gain 1.5x ATK and Recovery
Special: Change the Captain's orb to [DEX] Orb, Change her own orb to [INT] Orb; For 3 Turns, Shooters gain 300 Recovery.

She's seems to be made to be paired with SW Ace. She is useful to help fire up Strong World: Ace's powerful Captain Skill. She will be useful if you lack good orb manipulation for your team as a whole (like Curiel/Franky combination). A fairly useful unit with her main flaw being the inevitable terrible stats.

Classification: PSY Fighter

Captain Skill: At the start of an adventure, lower all Cooldowns by 3. Drastically Reduce all unit's Stats.
Special: For 1 Turn, Nullify all incoming Heart attacks

FINALLY!! We have a Heart nullifier... (Not that we need one); Aisa should never be used as a Captain... When they say drastically... they mean drastically.

Since Aisa does have a unique special, it is suggested to pick her up in case of future islands.

New Tandems
f0544 wiperf0466 brahamf0581 genbouf0582 kamakiri
Deals 1,000 fixed damage to all enemies; boosts ATK of all characters by 1.3x for 1 turn
f0544 wiperf0583 lakif0584 aisa
Heal 2000 HP

Notable Skillbooks obtainable:
f0544 wiper
XP, Beri, Title:
Stamina/ ChapterXPBeriTitle
Rookie - 5???
Veteran - 10???
Elite - 15???
Expert - 30? ?

The Island

Island Condition:
5-Stamina:  All Units considered from the "Sea" will lose 1% to all stats
10-Stamina: All Units considered from the "Sea" will lose 5% to all stats
15-Stamina: All Units considered from the "Sea" will lose 10% to all stats
30-Stamina: All Units considered from the "Sea" will lose 20% to all stats
NOTE: Skypiea-related units such as Mantis and Wiper will not lose any stats.

The island is fairly simple and straight-forward that's ridiculed with "mobs" and turtles. You shouldn't have too much trouble dispatching these. The only problems are the mini-bosses which we will go into now.

Appears on: Stage 4/10
He is fairly tanky and you may need a decent Speed unit to make the job go along quicker.
If you do not KO him in 1 turn, he will apply the blind debuff (preventing you from seeing the yellow characters that help you hit PERFECTs).
He does 3,374 damage when he attacks and attacks once every 3-Turns.
If you drop him to 20% health, prepare to walk into a 10,000 damage special (Don't go there).

Appears on: Stage 7/10
Mantis is a lot less of a tank compared to Genbou. That being said - he will pre-emptively lock 2 of your units (middle-right and bottom-left) for 2 turns as well as some pre-emptive damage (around 1,810).
He attacks on a 2-Turn interval with 2,550. If you drop him to 20% health, he will deal damage and lock 2 units again - so try and burst him down before then.

BOSS: Laki
Appears on: Stage 10/10
Laki is surrounded by minions. The rules are as always - clear the minions then focus down the Boss.
She isn't too difficult (like the Mini-Bosses). She's merely annoying.
She will pre-emptively strike you for a small amount of health (~800 Health), randomly changes all orbs (with a chance of getting "Bother" orbs and putting up a defence buff.
Even with all that, she isn't tanky and your Heart units will still wreck her fairly easily.
Appears on: Stages 1-9 randomly
Aisa will cry and commence a dialogue - after which she will die (hence why you see a Silver poster there).
Like all secrets, she is a guaranteed drop. And as you can see - it's more or less a mob stage.
Recommended Teams/Units
I'll begin this section by saying - there are no debuff blockers. In other words, Hammer Usopp should be an inclusion (just to secure victories).
Standard Slasher Team. Especially when combined with Coffin Ship kills this fortnight with brute force... i won't show the team.

or Hina instead of Wiper

Sengoku - Skypia Team

Sengoku teams should be able to clear this island no problem. I will suggest at least 1 strong Speed unit to ensure the burst on Genbou. But aside from that - it's pretty much all fair game. And your Skypia units won't be affected by debuff.

Replace Braham with Curiel if you have

Wiper Team

Too bad global doesn't have Zephyr... this team would rock!

You can replace Kraken with any hard hitting striker

Tanky Striker

Deal mass damage, be tanky, wreck shandia

these are just 3 suggestions for teams. 

We wish you "Happy Hunting" in the New Fortnight and have fun!!

reade more... Résuméabuiyad

ONE PIECE 808 [Manga]

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