


Clash!! God Enel!

Table of Contents
  • Times Held
  • Reward
  • EXP,Beli,Title
  • Tips
  • Stage Overview (Ultimate 60)
  • Team Suggestions (Ultimate 60)
  • Video Walkthrough (Ultimate 60)

Times Held

Appearances Date (PST)
121/1/2016 - 22/1/2016

After the game changing raid of Doflamingo, Bandai has decided to drop a bomb on the global players again.. an unexpectedly tough raid boss God Enel! Another Ultimate raidboss to tackle right after Doflamingo. Since there is no special event expected in the near future, the hard earned doflamingos still stay at special level 1 to face Bandai's next troll, God Enel. Regardless there are still ways to beat Enel which will be discussed here.


Eneru the Lightning Human, 200 Million Volt Thunder God

Max. XP
Captain Ability
Boost ATK of QCK characters by 2.25x; recover 5x character’s RCV in HP at the end of the turnSpecial
Boost ATK of QCK characters by 2.25x; recover 5x character’s RCV in HP at the end of the turn
Reduce current HP by 90%, deal 20,000 damage to all enemies, boost ATK of QCK characters by 2x for 1 turn.
 4*5* -
f0602 enel
f0603 enel

God Enel makes his debut into the global metagame as an uber QCK captain. Apart from Ace and Jozu who are the standard burst and tank captains respectively, Enel is now the midway compromise of the 2 Tank/Burst options. As a captain, he bursts QCK attack by 2.25x which is midway between 2.5x (Ace) burst and 2x (Jozu) tank. He also recovers 5x of his total RCV at the end of each turn. His maximum RCV is 234, meaning that he will recover 1170 HP per Enel captain. If a 2x Enel team is running, it means that both Enels will recover a total of 2340 HP at the end of each turn. This is a substantial amount of recovery each turn. This also implies many things like an efficiant stalling mechanism for QCK teams. It is possible to limitlessly stall on a high defence mob just because of this recovery. This means that all RCV candies that you guys have stored up can go to him. He is one of the prime targets for RCV candies. And after sockets get introduced in global, the heal after per turn heal by an RCV candy boosted 2x Enel team will be glorious indeed. His special takes 90% of his own health and deals 20000 damage to all enemies (which is not really much.. but spread damage is always good right?? ). The main attraction of his special is the 2x attack boost for QCK characters. This special will be most probably used to burst down enemies in the final turn as it is a suicide special. Moreover, it is not a 1.5x boost like most attack boosters and it can be stacked upon Doflamingo's special, dealing tremendous damages. So this unit is a must have for almost all QCK crews as a captain/sub. His special is also one that people should try to get as low as possible in the near future.

EXP, Beli, Drop Rate, and Titles

DifficultyEXPBeliDrop Rate Title 
Ultimate (60)10,44094,030100%Thunder
Master (40)665059,800undeterminedCurr
Expert (30)280010,900undeterminedFear

  • Enel only drops as a 4* unit. 
  • 4* Enel evolves at level 70 and requires 1,066,998 EXP.
  • 5* Enel has 50 cost so don't evolve him until you feel like you can handle it.
  • You can skill up Enel through Same Character Synthesis.
  • Both evolutions have the same Special name so you can use either as skill up material.
  • His max Special level is 16 (15 cooldown).
  • Remember that Enel is unaffected by Debuffs like Turn Delay for the first 3 turns.
  • Stall effectively to try and get your Specials up by the time you reach Enel. This means hitting a unit with only 1 unit as opposed to all 6 at times (don't be afraid to take hits).
Stage Overview

There are 3 Versions of the island - Expert, Master and Ultimate. All 3 revolve around the same principle/idea and vary extremely slightly.
There will be Lightning Bolts that will rain down upon the stage every 3 turns, they will deal damage to BOTH you and your enemy.
These Lightning Bolts deal:
  • 30-Stamina Lightning Bolts deal: 1000 damage
  • 40-Stamina Lightning Bolts deal: 1320 damage
  • 60-Stamina Lightning Bolts deal: 1800 damage
These damages are FIXED and will not be affected by any damage-negation/reduction you have (or in some cases - the enemies have).
(30-Stamina Edition of the Island)

(40-Stamina Edition of the Island)

(60-Stamina Edition of the Island)
Stage 1/5
"Angel Stage"
Like all Raid Bosses - we suggest you stall on this Stage without taking damage.
Keeping Turn Count on Lightning Bolts may be able to help.
(30/40 Stamina Edition of the Island)
-No Image of 60-Stamina -
Stage 2/5
"Turtle Stage"
If you timed well, you should be able to get a few turns of stalling done here.
But generally, this is a relatively straightforward stage.
Don't bother purposely stalling here by taking damage and hitting it with 1 unit like normal.
 This is because the Lightning bolts will come and finish them off anyway.
The 60 Stamina version has a Blue Lobster replacing one of the turtles.
(30-Stamina Edition of the Island)
(40-Stamina Edition of the Island)
(60-Stamina Edition of the Island)
Stage 3/5
"Skypiea Priest Stage"
These priests will generally pre-emptively lock your PSY units for 1 Turn and put up a Defence buff against PSY attacks.
The suggestion here is to attack the priest that JUST used his ability. This is because every priest will use a "lock"/"defence buff" and go on a 2-Turn interval.
Just ensure, that multiple priests do not do their locks at the same time... and Sengoku (or other PSY Leads) are not advised. Possible, but not advised.
A special note is that the INT mobs have locked DEX units. So be cautious of that.
(30 Stamina Edition of the Island)
-No Image for 40 Stamina Edition-
(60-Stamina Edition of the Island)
Stage 4/5
"The Make-It or Break-It" Stage
The stage where units will lock you if you do not kill them.
These units all have high amount of defence but low HP. Which also means you will need characters with high combo numbers to kill them.
Or... if you turn-count properly, abuse the fixed damage lightning to kill them.
Either way - The Seahorses will lock a unit for 6-turns, while the other 3 units will lock all units that they are weak to (i.e Blue Goat Priest will lock DEX units) for 2 turns.
As a note, the seahorse in 60-Stamina has 20 HP. Which will usually cause you to use above 2 units to kill. So the suggest game plan is to use the Lightning!!!
(30/40 Stamina Edition of the Island)
(60-Stamina Edition of the Island)
Stage 5/5
BOSS: "God" Enel - Thunder God
Here he comes!! His attack pattern is the same regardless of which stamina you do.
He will pre-emptively put up a "Debuff Protector" and a Defence buff for a few turns.
Following this, he will have a pre-emptive move every 3 turns which will reshuffle your orbs as well as clear any debuffs afflicting him (including Turn Delays).
At 50% health, Enel will start spamming his Special with his normal attack. This means he will allow him to attack twice in 1 turn.
His special will do 50% of your current health.
Enel Table of Statistics:

He will attack every turn
When 50% Health, will use Special Move dealing 50% of your current health with his normal attack
When 20% Health, will use Special dealing 15,656 damage
He will attack every turn
When 50% Health, will use Special Move dealing 50% of your current health with his normal attack
When 20% Health, will use Special dealing 35,656 damage
He will attack every turn
When 50% Health, will use Special Move dealing 50% of your current health with his normal attack
When 20% Health, will use Special dealing 95,656 damage
Attack Pattern of Enel

What Enel does...
Pre-emptive Skill
Puts up a Debuff Blocker/Defence Buff for...
- 2 Turns if 30 Stamina
- 3 Turns if 40 or 60 Stamina
Attacks and then
Randomizes all orbs, clears all debuffs (including Turn Delays)
Attacks normally
Attacks normally
Attacks and then
Randomizes all orbs, clears all debuffs (including Turn Delays)
(For Turn 5 and onwards repeat 2 - 4)
When 50% Health...
Starts to use his Special Move every turn which deals 50% of your current health then Attacks normally
When 20% Health...
Starts to use his Special move which deals
- 15,656 damage if 30 Stamina
- 35,656 damage if 40 Stamina
- 95,656 damage if 60 Stamina
Recommendations / Suggestions for Teams

Team Building Advice

Top-Tier Captains for Enel
The following units are recommended as Captains against Enel

These units are all proven to be the best Captains for taking down both 40 and 60-Stamina edition of Enel.

Other Captains that can clear Enel
The following units have also proven to defeat Enel though require a bit more of planning compared to the ones above.

The Recommended Crew-members
The following units are recommended for Enel as well as reasons why

f0015 usoppAlmost a "must-include" for any team attempting Enel. This allows you to have 3 free turns of raining damage over Donquixote Doflamingo.

General Advice
No matter which team you use, you'll use at least 1-2 of the units listed above. It is generally advised that you'll run Golden Pound Usopp. This will allow you to tank the first attack and then delay Enel.
This will allow you plenty of turns to defeat Enel without dragging it too far in.

Team Suggestions
(verified by the admins)

The following teams below can be used to beat Enel 60/40/30 stamina! The step by step guide for each stage is given below. Please refer the Stage Overview for all the stage general information. There will be many more teams that will beat Enel in the future, but this is a guide that aims to show how to clear Enel with HIGH SPECIAL COOLDOWN DOFLAMINGO'S since not many people have their Doffys maxed.


Double Doflamingo team (Subs: Ashura Zoro/Law, Mihawk, Mr. 1 Daz Bones (INT), GP Usopp)

Note: Max Coffin Boat is required to successfully beat 60 stamina You have your whole HP bar to play with, so don't fret if the fodder deal damage to you. Doffy should be able to tank quite a few hits.

Stage 1: Stall as necessary and take around 2 hits from a mob and make sure that thunder kills the mob after that.

Stage 2: Kill the turtles as needed. It is fine if you take a hit here. but lighning will kill them after they attack once. So make sure you take only 1 hit from one of the turtle/mob if you cannot kill them.

Stage 3: The mob should lock GP Usopp and Mr. 1 here. Use the other units to kill the mobs with 1 cd on the play leave one of them (preferably QCK) alive so that he can lock your characters. Try to kill the INT mob if he is at 1 cd as he locks all DEX units if you let him attack. But even if he does, it is still possible to beat the stage. Let a mob lock you one more time. Make sure that the lightning countdown is at its second turn here

Stage 4: Kill the mob who is at 1 cooldown (if any) and let the lightning take care of the rest.

Stage 5: By this turn you should have stalled 19 turns safely.
After enels preemptive attack, turns stalled = 20
After this you should be able to tank 6 regular Enel hits minimum.
Tank more if possible for safety.
As soon as Enel shuffles orbs when you are at low health, use Usopp special
By this time you should have done around 35-40% damage to enel
Use Mihawk Special after GP delay
Attack for 1-2 more turns normally
By this time both the Doflamingos should be charged
Use one Doffy special and get good orbs on the DEX characters.
Use Mr 1 special to boost attack for 2 turns
Hit your perfects and burst down as much as possible
Use Ashura Zoro's special for some minial damage as well.
If you have taken a Law then use him to get good orbs for the second Doffy special
Use the second doffy special.
The boosted orb power from doffy and the power from Mr. 1's boosted attack should be enough to kill Enel after the second doflamingo boost

Double Doflamingo team (Subs: Ashura Zoro/Law, Mihawk, Mr. 1 Daz Bones (INT), GP Usopp) [STRATEGY 2]

*credit to Angelo G-Lo Dula

Starting HP = 68,296+
Requirements: max Coffin Boat, GH Usopp at CD of <14 (meaning, 13 turns or less), and Mihawk at CD of <27 (meaning, 26 turns or less)

Stage 1: If highest CD is 5, spare 1, let him hit you TWICE then kill him on the 2nd turn.
Turns taken = 9
Damage from mob = 11,350
Lightning damage = 5,400
HP left = 51,546

Stage 2: Hopefully the highest CD is 3, in which case, take ALL 3 turns to kill all the turtles and lobster, WITHOUT taking any damage. You'll get hit with the lightning at the end of the turn.
Turns taken = 3
Lightning damage = 1,800
HP left = 49,746

Stage 3: First turn, do your best to kill ALL units with a 1-turn CD (which i know will be hard if your DEX units get the Bind, but pray that it's not them). After that, use Usopp's special. Now you should have 4 turns to kill the rest of the mobs. USE ALL 4 TURNS TO DO SO!!
Turns taken = 5
Lightning damage =1,800
HP left = 47,946

Stage 4: Kill any mob that has a 1-turn CD. Otherwise, the lightning will kill the rest after your attack.
Turns taken = 1
Lightning damage = 1,800
HP left = 46,146

Total turns = 18
Enel HP = 4,000,000
Stage 5
Phase 1: Begin with pre-emptive. Afterwards, attack normally for 3 turns, even only dealing half damage.
Turns taken = 4
Lightning damage = 1,800
Enel attack damage = 19,005
HP left = 27,141
Enel's HP = 3,618,646

Phase 2: Attack him regularly for 4 turns.
Turns taken = 4
Lightning damage = 3,600
Enel attack damage = 25,340
HP left = 1,801
Enel's HP = 2,570,294

Total turns = 26
Phase 3: Use Mihawk, then use Usopp special (giving you 4 final turns to attack).
Enel's HP = 1,799,206

Phase 4: Attack regularly for 2 turns.
Enel's HP = 1,275,030.

Phase 5: Use Daz's special. If you're lucky, you'll get a MINIMUM TOTAL of 2 DEX orbs in these last 2 turns!!! Going by that minimum requirement, you should also have BOTH Doffy specials ready. Depending on your belief, it's statistically easier to get 2 DEX orbs within 2 turns than in just 1, so the rest of this strategy will ASSUME accordingly.
In each turn, you'll give the max level Doffy that DEX orb, giving him the boosted attack. Upon doing so, you'll deal 650,030 each turn (my other pic below shows it), and for 2 turns of this, you'll deal a total of 1,300,060 in damage, enough to kill Enel.

Double Doflamingo team (Subs: Mihawk, Crocodile/Law, GP Usopp, Miss Doublefinger)
*credits to OPTC SubReddit

Note: Max Coffin Boat is required to successfully beat 60 stamina You have your whole HP bar to play with, so don't fret if the fodder deal damage to you. Doffy should be able to tank quite a few hits.

Stage 1: Stall as necessary and take around 2 hits from a mob and make sure that thunder kills the mob after that.

Stage 2: Kill the turtles as needed. It is fine if you take a hit here. but lighning will kill them after they attack once. So make sure you take only 1 hit from one of the turtle/mob if you cannot kill them.

Stage 3: The mob should lock GP Usopp and Mr. 1 here. Use the other units to kill the mobs with 1 cd on the play leave one of them (preferably QCK) alive so that he can lock your characters. Try to kill the INT mob if he is at 1 cd as he locks all DEX units if you let him attack. But even if he does, it is still possible to beat the stage. Let a mob lock you one more time. Make sure that the lightning countdown is at its second turn here

Stage 4: Kill the mob who is at 1 cooldown (if any) and let the lightning take care of the rest.
Stage 4: Kill the mob who is at 1 cooldown (if any) and let the lightning take care of the rest.

Stage 5:

StageMobsHPStrategyTeam HP <approximation>
Boss StageEneru4,000,000 HP58,843
14,000,000Just attack normally for the next few turns, don’t use any specials yet and if you get lucky with orbs make sure not to get him below 50% HP58,843
23,877,000all debuffs cleared52,508
33,754,000thunder strike after this turn46,173
43,631,00050% damage reduction and the debuff protector expired30,038
53,385,000all debuffs cleared31,703
63,139,000thunder strike after this turn25,368
82,647,000all debuffs cleared, use Usopp and Mihawk here10,898
91,606,900thunder strike after this turn
111,114,900This is the last turn so use CrocodileDoflamingo and Miss Doublefinger. You have to keep rerolling Crocodile’s special until you get at least 2 DEX orbs on anyone, then use Doflamingo’s special to put those orb on your two hardest DEX hitters. burst damage9,098
-0We did it!9,098
  • Rerolling Crocodile's special consists of the following steps
    • use the special
    • if you don't get 2 DEX orbs then force close the app
    • launch the app again and resume the battle, you'll go back to the start of the turn, specials unused
    • use the special again
    • repeat until you get the orbs you need

      *Table Creation and strategy credit goes to _Madara_[Fallen Joker] from OPTC SubReddit

NOTE: More guides to be updated soon

Video Walkthrough

The 60 Stamina video is coming soon. For now you can refer to the video for references and to the team wise guide

We wish you the best of luck and hope this helped you in your quest to obtain the terror of Skypiea and hope that you can max his special soon.

If anything needs to be changed or added, feel free to let us know in the comments below!
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