With the first Halloween fortnight coming to a close, this brings us into the second half of the holiday celebration! Some may say the first act is a hard one to follow, and that is certainly true seeing how good the first fortnight was, but let’s see if the 2nd fortnight can compare. We will be discussing the new units released in this island, books that drop, and the overall worth of this island.
Let’s start with the characters reviews!
Type: QCK
Class Slasher
HP: 2094
ATK: 1063
RCV: 131
Captain Ability: Boosts ATK of QCK characters by 2x
Special 18 turns (10 max): Deal 7x Characters ATK in QCK damage, and delay all enemies by 1 turn
This unit is just simply incredible for a fortnight release. While his Captain ability is fairly common and not all that unique to the game; his special is simply amazing. We all know how powerful delay specials are. They are usually so powerful that any unit with this special has crippling weak stats to mitigate the broken ability. In Zoro’s case, his stats are still very decent (typical of slasher types), paired with his delay, he also deals damage, AND his max cool down is low. While looking at him, I think of Mr. 3, better known as the go to turn delay slasher. Well now that Zoro is unleashed, I think it’s pretty fair to say that Mr. 3 can retire that title and hand it over to Zoro! Although Zoro’s max cool down is 1 turn higher than Mr. 3, they are both low enough where, if played in the right hands, can pull off multiple times in a fight. It should also be stated that there is no shortage of decent INT slashers. With units like Vista and Sir Crocodile, there’s little room to include Mr. 3 into a team, especially if your goal is a powerful rainbow team. Because Zoro is QCK, this puts much more value into his character, seeing how there is a scarcity of QCK slashers that hold decent stats and specials.
Overall Rating- 8/10
Type: DEX
Class: Fighter
HP: 1500
ATK: 889
RCV: 320
Captain ability: Boosts ATK and RCV of DEX units by 1.5x
Special 19 turns (max 11 turns): Changes top row into DEX orbs, and reduce silence by 1
Robin is kind of ground breaking for global. Not only is she the only character in global that removes the blind buff, she is also the only character in Japan that does this too! This makes her a totally unique unit. Whenever a new buff remover is introduced, it’s always a good idea to have that unit maxed in order to prep for future content. While Blind is a very rare buff at the moment, we don’t know how often it will be used later on in the game. And seeing how far along Japan is compared to global is and Robin remains the ONLY unit that removes this buff, it should tell you that she is worth your time and attention. It should also be mentioned that removing this buff isn’t the only thing she does. She also manipulates both captains orbs to DEX. This provides great synergy with Law/Zoro teams (and even Izo leads). While this might not be the most crucial and powerful manipulation, it does still increase your damage input for the turn, and therefore shouldn’t be ignored. It can be argued that her stats aren’t all that great (save for her high RCV) but considering she is a support unit, her stats are not that bad off. I will say this: If Blindness was a more popular buff like lock and silence is, this unit would be ranked a lot higher. Please don’t let my ranking deter you from maxing this unit because I really do think she is worth the effort.
Overall ranking: 6.0/10
Type: PSY
Class: Figher
HP: 2088
ATK: 936
RCV: 221
Captain Ability: Boost ATK of PSY characters by 2x
Special 21 turns (13 turns maxed): recover 15x characters RCV in HP, and change TND orbs into RCV
This unit at best is a niche unit. I won’t say he doesn’t have his uses, but they are far and in between at best. The Healing ability is a nice touch, but for it to be a special worth using, he would have to be near max level in order to see a decent return. At max this special heals just over 3k hp, which isn’t bad by any means. The niche part of the special is the orb manipulation. The only time this orb manipulation may come in handy is if you have a boss that preemptively switches all orbs to TND. Then you would be able to use this special pared with any unit like Mr2, Fire Pearl, Buggy, or any other unit that manipulates RCV to a color orb to create a full set of orbs.
Overall rating 4.5/10
HP: 1921
ATK: 948
RCV: 210
Type: INT
Class: Slasher
Captain Ability: Boosts ATK and RCV of INT characters by 1.5x
Special 23 turns (15 max): Recovers 4343 HP, and poisons all enemies
Brooks captain ability is not the best by any means, but I see his true value in his special. Healing over 4k health is pretty damn good, not to mention on top of that, you get to poison all enemies. While your health increases, your enemies decrease. This is a pretty cool idea to think about. While his stats aren’t the best they are not the worst either. I don’t see Brook being an absolute game changer, but I do see some potential for unique teams. I personally will have fun trying to find a nice fit for him in a team.
Overall rating 5.5/10
Now that we finished reviewing all characters let’s move onto the skill books.
Skillbook | Notes | Rating |
Dark King Rayleigh | Finally the Dark King’s skill books surface! It should be no surprise that a legends skill books should be worth farming if you have him. His chain unlock of 5 turns to all units is unheard of in global. Pair this with his incredible stats and captain ability, this makes Ray one of the toughest units in the game. At skill level 1 his cool down is 23 turns. That is just a bit high to be able to consistently get it off in every fight you will face, especially in raid boss dungeons where stalling is a challenge. Now that his books are released, his cool down goes down to 18. This number is much easier to achieve. With a max cool down there should be no struggle to try to get that special charged and absolutely crush your enemies. | 9.0/10 |
Marco, The Phoenix | I will warn you that I am very biased to this unit. Not only is he my favorite character in the show, his ability in this game is also one of my favorites. A full heal is absolutely incredible no matter how you look at it. It basically acts as a pseudo gem revive, allowing you to fight for twice as long as you normally would. What’s not to love about it? Well that answer lies in his high initial cool down of 30 turns. This number is hard to charge for even on the easier islands. Trying to stall for his special on raid bosses or other harder stages just becomes simply impossible. But now with his max special of 20 turns, it puts his special within reach! 20 turns, which is still a relatively high number, is manageable in most cases, which basically makes any team that can utilize Marco have a second life. | 9.0/10 |
"Diamond" Jozu | This special is incredibly powerful. Attack nullifiers are hard to come by and are highly sought after for harder islands like Doffy, Mihawk Training Isle etc. With the game getting harder and harder with every island release, it should come as no surprise that the enemies will hit harder and harder. Well Jozu doesn’t hold any prejudice against DEX attacks. No matter how strong the hit is, he will reduce it to 0 damage. While his initial cool down is relatively low at 15 turns, his max cool down of 8 is simply insane. This low number makes pulling this special off numerous times in a fight possible, especially paired with turn delayers like Golden Pound Usopp. | 9.0/10 |
Portgaz D. Ace: Mirror Flame | While his special isn’t anything more than just a nuke, he is still the only 2.5x captain for QCK team, so he will still see a lot of play. Going by that statement, if you have him, I don’t see why you wouldn’t try to max his special. It will only make life easier for you, and your friends who chose you as a friend captain. | 7.5/10 |
Impact Dial: Usopp | A special that mirrors Robin, who just so happens to be the pillar of in burst teams. It should come as no surprise that Usopps special is absolutely crucial to max. seeing how most psy burst teams rely on marco captains to give a 9x boost, stalling is incredibly hard since you cannot take damage without losing that boost. This makes having the lowest cool down possible a necessity. | 8.5/10 |
While his special is good, he will be later on outclassed by Doffy. That being said, it does not mean some of you might not need Bellamy’s special right now, especially with Ivancov around the corner. If you have him, max him. It’s as simple as that. If you don’t have him, don’t be too shaken up about it. | 5.0/10 |
Overall despite the hard act the first Halloween isle left for this one to follow, I think this one stood up to the plate and blew it out of the park. The diversity in units, and skill books are simply unmatched among the usual fortnights global receives. Usually we get 1 or 2 decent skill books/ characters per fortnight. This one gives us mountains more.
Recommended Teams
Slasher Team
(Overall Level ~70-80)
(Overall Level ~70-80)
Usopp used to have emergency survive versus Zoro or Brook.
If you need more damage use Mihawk instead Usopp or/and switch with Crocodile.
...I just like the 20% damage reduction
...I just like the 20% damage reduction
DEX Team
(Level ~70 and Smoker+Perona specials below 15)
(Level ~70 and Smoker+Perona specials below 15)
This little story pirate counters the weak orbs and changes into your beloved DEX orbs so you can deal big damage to Brook.
Def with Smoker and if you need to. Use Perona for Sanjis attack
Fighter Team (by J.Wayn)
(Level ~70)
(Level ~70)
Bepo exchangeable with ivankov.
Use Garp to provide some Healing.
"Vs Brook or Sanji:-use Garp against Brook to heal/neutralize Brook's special
-use Dr. hogback to reduce the incomming damage and heal up with Garp
Vs Zoro:
Kalifa + Zeff + Namur and burst him down in one go
Kalifa + Zeff + Namur and burst him down in one go
In the end, I had to use Garp against robin, so I could heal hp and used Kalifa + Zeff against brook, as Brook attacks each turn, so I had to defeat him asap, else I would take too much damage.
In the end, Kalifa's cooldown was too high, so I couldn't use it against Zoro, but I came up with Garp + Bepo -> either str or empty slots + Zeff -> dex slots on the spur of the moment."
In the end, Kalifa's cooldown was too high, so I couldn't use it against Zoro, but I came up with Garp + Bepo -> either str or empty slots + Zeff -> dex slots on the spur of the moment."
PSY Team incoming
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